A bachelor’s degree is a great investment in your future, and among the very frequent degrees earned by college students. Others don’t do much to raise your earning potential, although some degrees pay you back. Your course of study influences your earning potential, so in order to plan your financial future, use our wages report to rank distinct majors for s degrees that are bachelor’ compare based on alumni wages.
In now’s job market, having a bachelor’s degree is nearly a requirement to acquire a rewarding, well-paying job with any chance for progress; a bachelor’s degree is practically essential for entry into most professional livelihood. Like engineering and teaching, in some specific lines of work, it’s impossible to without holding a bachelor’s degree, enter the area.
- Chief ExecutivesThey plan, direct, or coordinate operational activities together with the aid of subordinate executives and staff supervisors in the greatest degree of direction.
Median annual wage (2016): $175,110
Work experience: 5 years or more
On the job training: None - Architectural and engineering managesThey direct, plan, and organize tasks in engineering and architectural businesses.
Median annual wage (2016): $132,800
Work experience: 5 years or more
On the job training: None - Computer and information systems managerThey therefore are in charge of executing computer systems to match those targets and help determine the information technology aims of an organization.
Median annual wage (2016): $131,600
Work experience: 5 years or more
On the job training: None - Petroleum engineersThey design equipment to pull gas and oil in the most lucrative manner.
Median annual wage (2016): $130, 210
Projected job openings: 13,000
Work experience: None
On the job training: None - Marketing managersThey establish the interest in services and products provided with a company and its own competitors and identify prospective customers.
Median annual wage (2016): $127,650
Work experience: 5 years or more
On the job training: None
source: topuniversities
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